Work's Projects

HIV and STDs Public Healthcare Services

The US Government has invested in different programs in Guatemala through the United States Agency for International Development - USAID. One of those programs addressed the quality service issues for public clinics that provide services related to HIV and STDs detection and treatment.  The main goal was to certify the services provided in some of the public clinics with the standard ISO 9001:2005 (last version available when the certification took place). 


10 members 


Process Design Expert, 

UX Researcher 


Microsoft Office Suite (advance use) 


18 months  




Guatemala City


For this project we followed the Deming Circle,  a method use to design and implement Total Quality Management Systems. This process provides a simple and effective approach for solving problems, allowing the organization to make continual improvements by each iteration of the cycle.  

We also followed the ISO 9001:2005 quality standards, which sets the quality management principles of: customer focus, motivation and implication of top management, process approach, and continual improvement.

Deming Circle

1   Plan

During this stage we analyzed as much information as possible that could allow us to understand the organization and its services.  All the information collected was processed and summarized into final documents that will guide the organization and its employees to the new way of working. 

a. Documentation review

During this stage we analyzed all the documentation and regulation that applies to the process and services to be improved.

b. Interviews

We also performed a series of interviews with the different stakeholders such as doctors, lab technicians, health educators just to name a few.  

c. Scope of work

We elaborated the quality policy statement, objectives, and processes to be documented. 

d. Documentation elaboration

We held multiple meetings where we defined the improved or new procedures and formats to be used. 

Sample of documents  produced

Business Capability Map

4.1 doc sample 1.pdf

Process Summary

4.2 doc sample 2 procedure.pdf

Process Narrative

2   Do

For a successful implementation of the new procedures and related documentation, the team performed a series of different activities that could ease the transition and reduce the fear of change. 

a. Training

To get all the organization on board, we trained over 100 employees in quality assurance practices. This helped us to reduce the fear of change and create a new organizational culture that would support the changes and make them last longer.    

b. Implementation 

We validated and approved all the documentation created, and provided access to the employees so that they could put in practice the new procedures. 

c. Communication 

We communicated the changes made and set constant reminders and activities that would help the employees stay on track. 

d. Support

We provided support on demand through either individual or group guidance. 

3   Check

During this stage, we performed different activities that helped the organization to analyze the implementation progress of the Quality Management Systems and its procedures, with the objective to be ready for the External Audit that will grant the Quality Certification.

a. Quality Committee Meetings

We held weekly meetings to follow up the progress of the implementation and discuss any issues or concerns that needed to be address.

b. KPIs Measurement 

We defined at least one KPI for each process, then measured and communicated the results to the employees involved. 

c. Internal Audits

After implementing all the new procedures and measuring all the KPIs, the team performed an Internal Audit that allowed the organization to identify any issues that needed to be solved before the External Audit. 

d. External Audits

Once the organization was ready, ICONTEC International was hired to perform the audit and issue the ISO 9001:2005 Quality Certification. 

4   Act

The ISO 9001:2008 certification obtained is only valid for three years. To keep the certification active,  it is necessary to perform follow up audits each year and demonstrate that the organization has taken actions that have helped to improve the services under evaluation. 

a. Action Plans

With the results obtained from the Internal and External Audits, we did a collaborative root cause analysis and elaborated action plans to correct and improve the issues found.

b. Follow-up Meetings

We continued to hold Quality Committee meetings to keep track of the progress and to identify more opportunities for improvements and start the cycle again.

Major Results

Some of the benefits obtained by implementing ISO 9001:2008 were:


Working with nonprofit organizations and government agencies had some big challenges, such as:

©  Efrain Rivera 2022