Master's Project

Digital Specimen 

For this project I designed a series of 10 images for Instagram that showcase the qualities and strengths of the typeface Petrona. The images together are a movie theme which introduces the horror movie franchise Final Destination. The color palette contains only two colors and the variation in the tints using the swatch color feature. You will find throughout the images information about: 


Basic Graphic Design 


Individual project


Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator


3 weeks   




Madison, WI

First Deliverable 

For the firs week I explored three different free fonts and did some research about their history and properties.  Then I selected a theme that I would apply throughout the design of the 10 images.  

Once I made the decision about the type face and the theme, I sketched three proposals for my project. 

Second Deliverable

For the second week I selected the Sketch #3 as the main concept and started digitizing  the sketches  using Adobe Illustrator.  I continued improving the design based on the feedback gotten from the professor and classmates. 

Third Deliverable

For the final week I finished digitizing the sketches and made improvements base on the second feedback received from the professor.  I also made changes to the initial concept incorporating ideas from the sketches #1 and #2 that allowed me to showcase more the type face selected. 

©  Efrain Rivera 2022